Wow. Yesterday was a crazy day! Seriously.
TMI warning- if you are easily grossed out, STOP READING NOW!!! Lol.
Let me just simplify the story. Yesterday, Malachi threw up (on me) 7 times (in about 2.5 hours.) By the end of it, he was throwing up bile. Pretty scary. I think it was because he choked on his congestion, but regardless, he stopped throwing up and was able to keep fluids down, so it was all fine. This all happened in the afternoon, and I was trying to decide whether to take him to Urgent Care or not. Finally, after discussing it with my pediatrician's nurse, I decided to wait a little longer & see if it continued or stopped. It stopped, so Malachi & I went to church with the rest of the family, instead of camping out at the Urgent Care Center. He hasn't thrown up since about 4 or 4:30 on Wednesday afternoon, so we're good.
BUT, after we got home, I had just nursed him & was holding him on my lap. I heard him "go" and within seconds, felt it on my leg! I started yelling for Thomas to take him, and Thomas & the kids were laughing in disbelief! By the amount of poo on my leg, I sarcastically asked, "Is he even wearing a diaper??" So, Malachi took his 3rd or 4th bath of the day!
Anyway, that's all over now, thank God! I wanted to share something from tonight though. Clint Miles was our guest speaker in youth, and he shared a great message. He talked about the feeding of the 5,000, and he talked about how Jesus told the disciples to bring him what they had. They told him that they didn't have anything, only 5 loaves & 2 fishes. Jesus told them to bring it anyway. This was so significant to me, because it really is how God is with us! God doesn't call us because of our extraordinary abilities! God calls us in spite of our deficiencies, knowing that HE will provide a way for us to fulfill His call! Clint talked about how Jesus took the food, then He blessed the food, then He broke the food. Whoa. Powerful again! Just like He takes YOU, He blesses YOU, and He breaks YOU. In order for God to be able to use us to minister His love to a hurting world, we first have to be broken, to get rid of our own ego and self-righteousness. Of course, being broken is never fun, and we may not understand the reason for it when we're going through it, but we come out stronger, with better perspective, and having learned to TRUST. We NEED the brokenness! I got so much encouragement from that, I just wanted to share it!
And THAT was my day! Today should be fun, all 3 of the kids are going to the doctor!