Friday, June 6, 2008

I answered it! One of the most pondered questions by children & adults everwhere!!!

For the past week or so, Josiah has been asking me occasionally who created God. Here's how the conversation usually goes.

"Mommy, who made God?"

"No one. He just always was."

"But, Mommy, who MADE Him?"

"No one! No one had to make Him. He has always been around. We just can't understand how someone could always be, and that's ok."

"Uugghhhh!!!" Sheer frustration. But what was I to do?

Tonight, he brought it up again. But this time, I had a sudden inspired moment! Here's how tonight's conversation went.

"Mommy, who made God?"

"He has just always been. No one made Him."

"UGH! Mommy!! WHO MADE HIM?!?" (Louder this time, because I think Josiah thinks I'm partially deaf at times. Mostly when I don't give him the answer he wants.)

"Oh, sorry. God. God made God."

"Oh. Ok."

Ahahahaha!! Eliana and I just looked at each other and giggled. Of COURSE the answer is God! Why didn't I realize that sooner?


Anonymous said...

Of course, God's the answer to everything! Lol

Anne Marie said...

I love it! Great to see that because I am sure it's coming down the pike here someday soon.