Sunday, May 4, 2008

to the ends of the earth...

Today was BGMC day. By the way, BGMC changed their name this year. BGMC now stands for Boys & Girls Missionary Challenge. Usually on BGMC day, we do a missions-based lesson in Kidspace.
Today, we talked about Samuel, and how God called him from the time he was a child. We talked about how God speaks to our hearts, and God might call us right now to be missionaries at our schools. We also talked about how God might call us to someday to go another place & be a missionary for Him. I knew that there were a couple of kids who have already felt a call to missions, so I asked the kiddos, "Have any of you guys ever thought God might want you to go somewhere to be a missionary for Him?" A couple of kids raised their hands, and I called on them to ask them where. Alyssa told me that she wants to be a missionary to France, and Kathleen told me she wants to be a missionary to Egypt. So awesome- these kids are serious about this! I know it's early & there's no telling what path God might lead them down, but it's awesome to me that they are open to His leading at this young age!
Anyway, my 4 year old son raises his hand along with the other kids. I asked him, "Josiah? Do you think God might want you to go live somewhere & be a missionary?" He solemnly nodded his head. I asked him where, and very seriously, he replied, "Mannford."

I did my best not to laugh! I still giggle thinking about it. The wedding we went to yesterday was in Mannford. Let me just say that if the furthest God calls my children is Mannford, I will be one blessed mommy!!! :)

EDIT: I forgot to mention~ Eliana wants to go to college at ORU so she can live at home. For the rest of her life, she says. Haha.

1 comment:

AshleyAlaura said...

cause we all know they need missionaries in manford. lol.